The Driveway Specialists
It is in your best interest as a homeowner to protect the investment you have in your driveway. The service we offer saves you money by extending your pavement life while beautifying your property. Our experienced crews prep and seal your driveway quickly and professionally, providing you with a neatly sealed driveway at a fair price using the highest quality materials.
Schedule your driveway sealcoating service by calling 419-872-7325. The earlier dates fill up quickly, so please call soon if you want one of these dates. If weather prevents us from sealing your driveway on that day, we will call you to plan a reschedule date. ALL residential work must either be prepaid (taking advantage of our 10% discount) OR you must be present at the time of service to pay our crew by check.
Think your driveway needs replaced or major repair work done? Our full service paving crew can take care of that. Give us a call for an estimate today!